Saturday, October 30, 2010

What's at Stake: Another View

What’s at Stake: Another View
One view of the upcoming mid-term 2010 election sees the event as the Titanic plunging blindly into a North Sea of political icebergs with the impending doom of the sinking once and for all of the American experiment. A more apt analogy is the sailing event, the America’s Cup. Two behemoths, the Democrats and Republicans, in a match race of apparent simplicity but immense and conflicting complexity. The resiliency of our economic and political system lies within a web of interlocking dependencies and is often overlooked in the descriptive analysis and trend predictions of an electoral outcome. Similar too, is the formation of the America’s Cup teams and the two party systems as competing and highly moneyed factions. The USA is not simply a single vessel hampered with an overabundance of hubris and a flawed design in a dangerous situation but is two craft hoping for the indeterminate outcomes of nearly incalculable premises. The actions of the one are continually at play in reaction to the other and the impacts of the interplay in each other’s capability, while also adjusting to the ever changing winds of event and circumstance.

Given the syndicalism of both parties, it is hardly relevant to see the coming contest on November 2, 2010 as a battle defined by either camps calls for freedom or justice. The incremental moves, as each tacks in one direction or the other and counter attempts are made to “clear air” or block the wind of the opposition, rarely approach the actual or fundamental philosophical fallacies dearly held by both.  The breakthrough in 1988 of the USA’s Star’s and Stripes catamaran design came about under a combination of time restraints and rule breaking that resulted in legal challenges and outrage amongst the sailing elite.
“The contest will not be a sailboat race. It will be a design lottery in which the sailors will have little or nothing to do with the outcome. In one word, the 1988 America’s Cup challenge will be bizarre.”
In subsequent years the furor has died down as the catamaran design achieved acceptance and the design and on the water battles once again returned to mastery of the minutiae of new rules and of the sea itself. Seen as the catamaran, the Progressives have the upper hand in the overall direction of the political scene, win or lose this year. The Reagan revolution, the 1995 Newt Gingrich led House, the foreign terror obsessed Bush years, and any potential Tea Party victories have and likely never will modify the most basic and significant apparatus of the current or future state. American business interests are forced by the nature of this game to take the battle out of the marketplace and into the political realm. Social Justice Activists similarly can assert agendas that ignore economic realities of competitiveness and sustainability. Theoretical social democratic ideas and scientific wonkiness define the outlines of the debate.

Taken in this context a capable contributor of labor is faced with the devil’s dilemma of Corporatist or Progressives’ dominance of a field in which the individual is marginalized. Even in the small collectives of Unions, Churches and NGO’s the impact against the monolithic state ruled by the competing Oligarchy / Plutocracy of the multi-national corporation (MNC) and entrenched Welfare State bureaucracy can never be more than ripples on the surface. Statist theories decry the injustice of capitalism while constructing systems which devolve into equally if not more inequitable structures.
The conservatives often talk about economic and social crises as if
they are unavoidable, a law of nature. But there is nothing inevitable
about them. It is about political choices. While we do live in a time
of global change and risk, we also live in a time of huge opportunity.
We must promote better cooperation in Europe to manage globalization
for the benefit of everyone. They say adapt to the market. We say shape our future.”
“People First: A New Direction for Europe” PES
manifesto for the citizens of Europe at the European Parliamentary elections, 
Two inherent conceits lie within this statement: 1) that adapting to the market is of the kind of controlling an external force, the wind as in our sailing analogy, while in fact the adaptations to the market are reflected in the design of our vessel and its operation in the circumstances of reality. 2) That shaping our future by political choice alone somehow avoids economic and social crises and that the unavoidable laws of nature are somehow unique to conservative thought. Regardless of a view from Left or Right the rules are set which requires state approval in either direction. Anyone trying to build a mono-hull at this point is unlikely get in to the match.
“TheHuman Brain… is wired to avoid complexity (not embrace it) and to respond quickly to ensure survival (not explore numerous options). In other words, our evolved decision heuristics have certain limitations, which have been studied extensively and documented over the last few decades, particularly by researchers in the field of behavioral economics.”

Collective intelligence models coming out of the universities are transcending the political and economic models based on thought mired in the mechanistic learning’s from the industrial revolution That brings us back to catamarans, one potential outcome of the America’s cup race is a fault by one or the other or both skippers resulting in a catastrophic collision. Mishandlings of boats can and have resulted in deaths. To move forward in the 21st century requires abandoning the simple us vs. them dichotomies of business and government, white and black, rich and poor, regulation and free markets. Solutions for our problems rest in dealing with the near overwhelming complexity as an organic whole, a self-organizing system that looks beyond changes of direction of the wind or failures of the opposition to create a mutually beneficial model. Even if a new catamaran isn’t just over the technological, evolutionary or spiritual horizon certainly the avoidance of calamity is a worthwhile goal.

This is a response to my friend Peter Fegan's blog at

Monday, October 25, 2010 Scary New Wage Data Scary New Wage Data

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope Springs Eternal

Redistribution of Income, by Dwight R. Lee: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Redistribution of Income, by Dwight R. Lee: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Facebook exchange and a letter to a Congressman

David Alexander Marsilia Just got an e-mail from my Congressman Ted Poe. In which he states, "I am ONE of only 17 of the 435 members of Congress to vote NO to ALL of the previous stimulus and bailout bills. I can assure you that I will vote NO on this one as well." in reference to the latest $50 Billion proposal from the administration. Top of Form
Friday at 12:46pm  · Comment · Like · Unsubscribe
David Alexander Marsilia I don't agree with the Congressman on everything but it is certainly shocking that only 17 members voted consistently against ALL of the bailouts
Potential voter #1: is it really David!!!!. One , they shouldn't have done so anyway, but nearly all of them would have gained some local benefit from them at some time.... self preservation.

Sarah "absolutely no principles" Palin, the love child of the tea party is allowed a free pass for all the pork she garnered for Alaska and now has the gall to decry them at every opportunist moment.... that woman makes my puke, puke! Friday at 5:33pm · Unlike ·  1 person 
David Alexander Marsilia  No, I really am not that shocked, but i'm trying to remain hopeful and optimistic. You would enjoy this series in Slate on the "Great Divergence", a good in depth academic look at the Plutocracy:  Friday at 5:51pm · Like ·
Potential voter #2: (potential voter #1’s name), as Olbermann say' in his voice: That woman is an idiot... Friday at 8:27pm · Unlike ·  1 person ·
David Alexander Marsilia  Interesting conversation with some folks on Senator John Cornyn's (R TX) facebook page. Believe it or not, much of it was actually intelligent.

Did you guys know that I've actually heard Ms. Palin speak in person earlier this year? Any doubts I may have had about her lack of any redeeming quality were put to rest listening to her screech for over a half hour about her pickup truck. Friday at 8:34pm · Like ·  1 person ·
Potential voter #2:  Lol, the following she has garnered gives Barnum's maxim new meaning... Friday at 8:36pm · Unlike ·  1 person ·
Potential voter #1: I'm surprised you had any lingering doubts about her David. She is without doubt the most pointless "politician" I have ever come across in my lifetime. Without wit, without principle, without morale fiber, and without one ounce of curiosity about the world.

The fact that so many in the Tea Party movement think so highly of her gives me all I need to know in terms of their judgment, goals, and attitude towards everything; the woman is positively disgusting (i have cleaned that up immeasurably), and as a liberal leaner, I only hope beyond hope she is on the GOP ticket next time. Friday at 9:04pm · Like ·
Potential voter #3: what's the counterfactual if there were no bailouts? i am fairly sure we would be in a worse position than we are now. Saturday at 12:58am · Like ·
Potential voter #4: To me it's just sad that this fellow's major source of pride is in being a large hemorrhoid: always making it difficult for anything to pass. And yet some people believe that the country needs more of these. :-(((   Saturday at 5:55am · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  The counterfactual is that the finance industry operates in an environment of freedom from failure. As long as an industry is guaranteed this position than they will continue to engage in risky behavior that no amount of regulation can ever overcome.

More shocking to me than the 17 reps who stood for the true free market against pro business is that the liberal viewpoint justifies the intervention of bailouts with the same logic as a stimulus.

" According to Edgar Browning, professor of economics at Texas A&M University, "Incredible as it seems, Americans transfer more than a trillion dollars each year to low-income families through a bewildering array of programs, all in the name of fighting poverty and inequality."..."If a trillion dollars were simply given to those counted as poor by the federal government (37 million in 2005), it would amount to $27,000 per person. That's $81,000 for a family of three, higher than the median income of all American families, and far greater than the poverty threshold of $15,577." Lee Duigon

As I wrote the congressman in support of his position, if, and that's a very big and qualified if, Keynesian stimulus has any validity it should come as direct payment to the broadest number of citizens. Meddling in the marketplace by directed federal intervention always has a distorting effect and the creation of unintended (usually negative) consequences.

The bailout of Chrysler several decades ago and the repayment by them with interest of the loan has been put forward as proof that bailouts work, yet here we are bailing that same company out again and adding GM to the list and all within less than a generation.

By Mayo Clinic staff
The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Swollen veins — hemorrhoids — can develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum. Factors that might cause increased pressure include:

Straining during bowel movements
Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
Chronic diarrhea or constipation
Anal intercourse
It's also possible to inherit a tendency to develop hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are more likely as you get older because the tissues that support the veins in your rectum and anus can weaken and stretch with aging.

Poe's position is symptomatic of failed liberal policies as these things do not occur in a naturally balanced and appropriately used system. Thanks for supporting my position, Potential voter #4’s name.  Saturday at 4:19pm · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  As for the progressive position, how can business be both the source of all evil and the recipient of constant government propping up? Two, of many potential reasons come to mind, 1) The failed capitalist oppressors have to be appeased to prevent endangerment to promises made to labor for excessive wages above market clearing rates as well as promises of future benefits and pensions. 2) The political economy of favors and contributions must be protected at all cost. The symbiotic granting of special privileges and campaign funds keeps eyes on Washington as the answer to everything.

I will continue to maintain that much of the progressive electorate's position is driven by the most cynical form of self interest. The expansion of so-called noble professions ( teachers, social service providers and bureaucrats, research scientist etc) being preferred to the grueling and mind-numbing requirement to produce something of value in the marketplace. Having done everything from bagging 50lb sacks of herbicide, delivering food products over a 600 square mile territory, and administering a $2,000,000 a week inventory that the work of commerce is no easy task. The feeling of accomplishment in such activities is difficult but getting the ditches dug is a necessary task. Saturday at 4:51pm · Like ·
Potential voter #3 right; i understand that in general firms should be allowed to fail. i guess the caveat there is that when credit and equity markets freeze, if we allow a majority of financial firms to fail, the economy would inevitably go down it. i think you have to separate "bailout" from "stimulus", as well as separate the factors that leads to the action. A tax cut (which i interpret your comments to mean) would have done little or nothing as the global economy was hanging at the precipice.

Overall, I have no problem with the liquidationist prospective, except that is untenable from both a political and economic perspective. Saturday at 4:52pm · Like ·
Potential voter #2 (Potential voter #3’ name), that is about as much clarity as I have seen brought to this matter. Those who would like to color this admin's action as a 'gov't takeover' of markets are being intellectually dishonest in the very least. No offense intended to opposing viewpoints.

The unpredictable risk to credit markets and the point you make about equity and liquidity flow in a chaotic market could have triggered mass pandemonium. I follow the argument that the economy was 'saved'...I know it's hard to stratify but it makes it no less plausible... Saturday at 5:21pm · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  Just so where not talking past each other, stimulus and bailouts are two separate issues. The other thing is timing of reaction and pro-active actions. Yes, bailout is nearly incontrovertible as a necessary preventative in the current crisis but what about over the long term and into the future. The old joke about keeping on doing what has failed and expecting different results applies... right?

And actually, Potential voter #3’s name... I'm actually re-floating an old idea of Guaranteed Minimum Income rather than either the welfare system or a tax cut. Not so much for ultimate application but as a starting point for discussion. Saturday at 8:35pm · Like ·
Potential voter #3: i apologize if you took offense or you thought i imputed certain thoughts to you that you didn't, david. i think i was more responding to the politicians (and my frustration with conservatives) than with you. i agree that a minimum income maybe a good i always find your ideas quite enlightening. Saturday at 9:05pm · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  No offence even perceived... only looking to clarify the substance of our basic agreement which is substantial. Saturday at 10:09pm · Like ·
Potential voter #4: On the right-wing Republicans as hemorrhoids concept, you have driven the analogy to the breaking point in a different direction than I expected. More predictable would have been to comment about the need to reduce the "anal function" of the rest of the government. Even so, to me the point remains that Poe & Co. are proud of inhibiting action rather than proposing workable solutions. Whether or not that is symptomatic of greater problems, IMHO it is just sad.

The matter of Bush having wanted to avoid at all costs the historical label of being the president on whose watch GM failed, the ad hoc ways in which both the present and the previous administration have dealt with banking crises, and the theoretical uncertainty about how effective New Deal-type job creation schemes are in the long run are all things I suspect we can agree about. I would further suspect that if I were to start preaching here about the virtues of making public education more responsible and effective as an investment in the future, it wouldn't be hard to reach agreement on that one.

To me the primary issue, however, is whether we are voting for those who promise to make life difficult for the other guys, or those who are genuinely interested in looking honestly at problems and proposing workable solutions. I'm seriously discouraged that Poe finds the former strategy more useful. I believe that some Republicans are capable of the latter, but... Yesterday at 2:40am · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  I am nothing if not unpredictable.

The challenge of governance from a Libertarian's viewpoint is, and always be, that in seeing the existence of certain elements of government AS the problem; they are by nature in the role of rule by "NO." The reason that I applaud Poe and these other 17 congressmen's standing fast is primarily on the bailouts, which I see as a form of corporate welfare and an encouragement of "risk free" financial institutions.

I do have a Libertarian friendly idea about education. In some regards a public education is yet another form of corporate welfare. The debate usually centers on expanding educational opportunities to the poor and otherwise disenfranchised, as if the mere expansion of capabilities creates in and of itself opportunities and jobs. If, hypothetically, the entire government apparatus of public education were to be scheduled to end in let’s say... arbitrarily... October 22, 2016; then a business case would rapidly have to be put in place to establish a system of private schools. Otherwise, within a generation or two no one would be capable of running the place without trained engineers, lawyers, accountants, welders, etc not to mention a useful level of literacy.

Churches, the soon to be unemployed masses of educational professionals, teachers, professors and researchers would have to scurry to establish an entirely new mechanism of pedagogy. Business would have to make a new set of investment decisions, exclusive of the eliminated tax liability, on keeping the pipeline full of educated and capable participants. Consideration would have to be made for populations with fewer resources and this would certainly test the commitment by some groups to social justice in an entirely new way.

This is where I normally depart from my progressive friends. When they say, "genuinely interested in looking honestly at problems and proposing workable solutions" the automatic assumption being a government solution... with an underlying logic being that without a government solution no other mechanisms exist or will be brought to bear on the problem. Why assume that Washington DC, with its history of failure is the only means for establishing or creating community solutions. Why assume that solutions created in a democratic process by legislative mechanisms is superior to other forms of voluntary cooperation and collaboration. Societies rise and fall far more on the underlying strength of the validity and practice of moral truth than on the form of institutions.  Yesterday at 3:35am · Like ·
Potential voter #4: If there's one thing I respect about you besides your honesty, it's your unpredictability in some respects. ;-)

Part of the question comes back to Winston Churchill's famous line about democracy being the worst form of government, other than...

If the voters can't decide to appoint representatives which represent their collective interests -- including providing civil defense, education, environmental management, etc. -- then those tasks fall to self-appointed aristocracies, military dictatorships, theocratic councils, organized crime syndicates or worse. Thus I strongly believe in empowering elected officials to do as much as possible to serve the interests of "We the People", with the primary restrictions being that these elected representatives should (in theory) be careful not to promise to fulfill unrealistic fantasies the electorate may have, and they should not agree to deny human rights to groups that many in the electorate happen to hate. I agree, this rarely works properly in practice, but given the other alternatives, I believe that building this sort of democratic control within societies is the best we can do.

And of course I respect the fact that YMMV. Yesterday at 4:09am · Like ·
David Alexander Marsilia  Much of my unpredictability is purely gaps in knowledge combined with an overactive imagination. oh... and an undisciplined ADD driven world view... with a Pascal's Wager theology. And finally a poetic sensibility that the spiritual is real and absolute as revealed in the Christian scriptures.

Is that a summary of Churchill's view on democracy or a full quote? That's a good one. Another friend posted a Franklin quote with some parallels.

"The Remissness of our People in Paying Taxes is highly blameable; the Unwillingness to pay them is still more so. I see, in some Resolutions of Town Meetings, a Remonstrance against giving Congress a Power to take, as they call it, the People's Money out of their Pockets, tho' only to pay the Interest and Principal of Debts duly contracted. They seem to mistake the Point. Money, justly due from the People, is their Creditors' Money, and no longer the Money of the People, who, if they withold it, should be compell'd to pay by some Law.

All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages." -- letter from Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris, dated 25 Dec. 1783
Bottom of Form

After working quite diligently to support your position and consider a multitude of creative options I read your post containing a quote from 2065   years ago. And I wondered...
In these particular economic times by what right under heaven do you have to quote these particular words, "People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." from a pre-Christian pagan no less. What kind of political motivation engenders these words except appeasement of your corporate cronies?  After discussing issues on your behalf, I now feel betrayed and motivated to offer a scathing critique of your insensitive, ill timed and inappropriate remarks.

Folks are diligently looking for work or to create businesses and you want to make a statement about people needing to learn to work!!!!
My hope that you were unique in recognizing the failure of crony-capitalism and too big to fail is quite gone and I now realize you have no more capability of governing than the progressives or the more obvious corporate lackeys in the Republican Party.
Todd Rundgren's feud with John Lennon

We look at what is and isn't success and hear from some quarters that certain people are simply lazy and deserve to be poor. It reminded me of one of my favorite artist, Todd Rundgren. No one could ever accuse him of being lazy. In fact in addition to a prolific body of work, he was a constant innovator. Prone, as one essay put it to going down blind alleys from time to time, but constantly on the move. Now apparently quite broke, he presents quite a contrast to Mr. John Lennon and the Beatles. It makes me wonder and ponder that a life of frustration and quiet desperation can be underrated. John was fabulously wealthy but now he's dead. Todd lives on in his struggle like so many of us do.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Response to Despair and a New Season

Movements and their labels come and they go. Raised a good Catholic, I choose my confirmation name after the infamous Pope Alexander IV. Alternately driven by the writings of Ayn Rand, JRR Tolkien and Carlos Castaneda, I abandoned Christianity as I pursued as hedonistic a lifestyle as I could afford. This soon grew tiresome and given the self-destructive tendencies of my temperament, overly dangerous. I came into contact by means of the ubiquitous tract distributing door to door evangelism popular in the '70's and '80's with some folks calling themselves the Agape Force.

A charismatic offshoot of the Jesus People Movement by way of Keith Green's Last Days Ministry, I was impressed by their creativity, intelligence, and sincerity. The tract they were using included a version I can't find now of the following MLK quote, "A voice out of Bethlehem two thousand years ago said that all men are equal....Jesus of Nazareth wrote no books; he owned no property to endow him with influence. He had no friends in the courts of the powerful. But he changed the course of mankind with only the poor and the despised." Not knowing until very recently that it was an MLK quote, the revolutionary part resonated very strongly with me at the time. The long and the short of it, I got "saved." Water baptism, evidence of speaking in tongues, the whole enchilada. My wife, who had just had our son, thought I had lost my mind!!

Fast forward through 20 or 30 years. Now a good Christian husband with a good Christian wife (we had been married in the FBC of Woodville, TX of which she was a member). To please my parents we even went through the entire Pre-Cana process and received the Catholic churches blessing on our nuptials.  Attended a variety of churches from interdenominational to Southern Baptist and the occasional Assembly of God. I worked 60 - 70 hours a week as a potato chip route sales guy, we home schooled our son for several years, and father and son bonded over the latest "Hard CCM" music from HM magazine, KSBJ's Saturday Night "LifeForce" radio show, and church concerts by Prayer Chain, Starflyer 59, Rez Band et al. My wife got her MS in Psychology and began practicing as a professional counselor to "At Risk" youth. For a vast array of reasons, we were "out of fellowship" with any formal bodies for most of this time (actually, still are). In 2007 my "career" with Frito-Lay came to an end and my wife found it difficult to work due to health concerns and some nasty stuff going on at Lamar University. (See her MySpace blog here:

That brings me to the near present. Through facebook I reconnected with the Jesus People by way of Jon Trott (JPUSA-Chicago), connected with Carson Clarke and his circle, became made aware of the Emerging Church movement, saw that "nothing is new under the sun" Ecc 1:9. Yet, felt optimism.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
-Alexander Pope,

My many facebook friends indicated that intellect was not dead. Across different spectrum the desire and search for a fuller knowledge of Christ was alive and well. Many are still in seeker mode. " not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." KJV Phil 2:12 An interactive dialog, a crowdsourcing of truth that transcends the boundaries of denomination and even philosophies. There will always be a flow back and forth, at times reaching fondly back into the past then lurching forward as new concepts or revelations become manifest. "Life is a journey, not a destination..." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson A journey filled with trials and disappointments, that I will not deny. Daily, the light manages to break through the clouds.

"To be without desires, is to be content.
If you do not wish to have something,
you are content with what you have." Lau Tzu

So, do not be overly concerned about the power or validity of the movements of the day or the clarion calls for revival. Continue in your fervency to actualize your experience, tap into that which is manifest to be true by your understanding of scripture and the engagement of your rational mind. Do not too quickly abandon that which your heart is telling you, and avoid falling into despair. Realize that seasons of grief are unavoidable, even though somehow necessary. One thing my Catholic upbringing instilled in me is that life is a mystery. One filled with the passion of discovery is the means by which we hold on to a semblance of sanity.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Organizational Engineering and Development with I-Opt, I-Opt Tools you can USE - Organizational Tools

Organizational Engineering and Development with I-Opt, I-Opt Tools you can USE - Organizational Tools

Scientifically validated tools are playing an increasingly important role in economic and social collaboration and interaction. Eric Standlee, the Houston networking guru and initiator of the InHouston network recently encouraged me to check out the work of Gary Salton.